La beta d'Heart of the Swarm maintenant disponible depuis plusieurs jours a eu le droit à son premier patch apportant quelques réglages sur les nouvelles unités et modifiant les touches de raccourcis.
Voici le changelog
- Warhound Weapon attack delay has increased from 1.3 to 1.7.
- Swarm host locust attack damage has decreased from 16 to 14.
- Viper Consume can no longer be used on creep tumors.
- Oracle Preordain duration has decreased from 2 min to 1 min.
- Viper Blinding Cloud now hits everything, but the radius of effect has reduced from 2.5 to 1.5.
- Widow mines will no longer damage each other with their splash damage.
- The bug affecting the Overlord speed upgrade has been fixed. Upgraded Overlords will now travel at the expected speed of 1.88.
- Revelation has changed from E to R.
- Entomb has changed from R to E.
Mothership Core
- Energize has changed from N to E.
- Purify has changed from E to F.
Swarm host
- Spawn locust has changed from W to C.
Fleet Beacon
- Research Gravity Sling has changed from T to G.
- Research Bosonic Core has changed from G to A.
Hydralisk Den
- Evolve Muscular Augments has changed from C to A.sse
et enfin quelque chanceux. De plus, il n'y a pas d'interdictions et nous
trouvons déjà des streams proposés par des joueurs comme Stephano ou
Thorzain sur la toile.
>> Annonce